The community this school serves is unique and provides a diverse environment. In addition to the cultural diversity as seen in the enrollment data, there is a wide range in socioeconomic factors that contribute to our student population at Chase resulting in Title I funding.
- Regular classes: 363
- Special Education-inclusion only: 52
- ESOL: 47
- American Indian/Alaskan: 0
- Asian: 5
- African American: 86
- Hispanic: 83
- Pacific Island: 2
- 2 or more Ethnicities: 21
- White: 166
Structure and Programs:
- Career and Technology: Grades Pre-K -5 1:1 Chromebooks, Wireless Internet throughout the building, Interactive Whiteboards, Document Cameras, and Docking Stations in all instructional spaces.
- Classroom Teachers
- Highly Qualified: All teachers at Chase are highly qualified.
- Teacher Support
- Full-time: 2.5 Special Educators, Guidance Counselor, Library Media Specialist, Staff Development Teacher, Music Teacher, Instrumental Music Teacher, Art Teacher, Physical Education Teacher, Speech, Teacher, 4 Instructional Assistants, 6 Additional Adult Support
- Part-time: Social Worker, School Psychologist, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, ELL
- Administration: Principal and Assistant Principal
- Office: Administrative Secretary and Clerical Secretary